Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ten Points Of Contention

I am often told of the merits of an intellectual and moderate faith. It's an old canard and, since I keep encountering it via people who have quite a bit of education to back up their claims, it merits thought. Said thought has led me to conclude that there are certain elements that must be present for me to consider a religion moderate. As an autistic, clarity is something I need the way a vampire needs blood, so, in order to do my best to clarify matters, I shall lay out ground rules. Everyone from the author of the pentateuch to David Letterman has known lists sound more impressive when they are rendered in increments of ten. So, that in mind, here are then things that must not be present in your religion for me to consider it moderate. For stylistic reasons, I'll be listing them in a pseudo King James syntax.

1. Thou shalt not believe followers of any religion other than your own (or no religion at all) are going to be punished for it after death.

2. Thou shalt not believe that the only way to have morals and ethics is through your religion.

3. Thou shalt not believe that any other faith constitutes worship of Lucifer or similar demonic forces in disguise.

4. Thou shalt not believe martyrdom or indulgence of any kind are automatic paths to a blissful afterlife.

5. Thou shalt not believe in conversion either by the sword or any other form of coercion.

6. Thou shalt not believe in demonic possession or that demonic beings can live in inanimate objects such as roleplaying games, heavy metal albums, or entire buildings. 

7. Thou shalt not believe in special legal privileges for your religion unavailable to other religions or secular people.

8. Thou shalt not believe your religious law supersedes secular law.

9. Thou shalt not believe in faith healing to the extent of foregoing medical treatment, especially in the case of one's children.

10. Thou shalt not believe blood sacrifice, human mutilation, or other violence are indispensable elements of your religion. 

Keep in mind, I'm not necessarily calling things on this list evil, although I think some absolutely are. They just make one a religious fundamentalist or extremist.


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