Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Movie Memories

If you heard that a 33-year-old man was looking for the storefronts that, many occupants ago, used to contain Mr. Movie and Video Gallery back in the 80s and early 90s in a fit of insane nostalgia, you might find yourself wondering what in the hell his problem is, but not with me. In my case, it all kind of makes sense doesn't it? Oh, how I love movies and treasure my earlier exposure to them. Movies are better when they're not just windows to other lives or fantasies, but suggestions of things one might actually do or experience as a child. The boy I was didn't know what was coming, or the underlying neurology that was already there. My later childhood assumption that I'd never make friends hadn't even come to me yet. All I knew was the bliss and wonder of movies and I was able to enjoy them in and of themselves without the grim reality of myself in the back of my mind adding a note of bitter to even the greatest sweet. One thing I've come to realize about movie theaters is that they are the only places I feel at home. The etiquette for them is so bone-deep in me by now that I don't feel worried I'll get banned for things I don't even realize I'm doing. I've never even been threatened with it. There's also the fact that I'm among people in a social setting and they're not hating me. In fact, they're not even noticing me. Oh, maybe if they've got kids they move away because I look like a big fat sweaty pedophile or something, but on the whole people don't seem to regret their decision to sit next to me. Compare this to being banned from two Catholic churches in Springfield, and you'll get an idea of the contrast. Being that it's pretty late, I don't want to go on with this for too long. Mainly I just wanted to give some insight into why I want to review movies as the main productive thing I do with my time. I don't expect film critics, as a community to like me and I don't expect to get paid for this. Having already tried to have a career in journalism, I know the professionals in that community find my politics and my personality insufferable enough that I don't have a chance. Still, I'll keep writing over here by myself where I'm not bothering anybody and I hope that's okay


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